up to the minute

美 [ˌʌp tə ðə ˈmɪnɪt]英 [ˌʌp tə ðə ˈmɪnɪt]
  • adj.最新的;最近的
up to the minuteup to the minute
  1. Contemporary : modern , up to the minute .


  2. Andy : I prefer the radio and the Internet to get up to the minute news . Turn on ( off ) the radio .


  3. Introduce the development of optic fiber standard up to the minute


  4. Her clothes are always right up to the minute .


  5. Newspaper English is typical modern English . Studying English by newspaper is a good way to master the up to the minute English .


  6. Wavelet analysis is internationally recognized up to the minute tool for analyzing time frequency . This paper discusses the technique of image processing based on wavelet transform .


  7. Summarizes the achievements up to the minute in the sensor fault diagnoses field in recent years , and makes deeply study on the two basic diagnose methods .


  8. On the basis of collecting plentiful information up to the minute inside and outside of China , combining the research productions obtained during several years , the virtual instrument and correlative networked technique are deeply studied .


  9. Today P & G brand managers have a virtual " cockpit " dashboard that aggregates tweets , blogs , and emails to give them an up to the minute understanding of consumer perceptions .


  10. The 22nd IUGG Congress was hold on July , 1999 in Birmingham , the United Kingdom . The up to the minute development of geodesy on this congress is introduced in this paper .


  11. Brazilian daily Estado de Sao Paulo has even taken to posting up to the minute story items about Black Friday , serving as a watchdog to the bad boys of Brazilian retail .


  12. I was wondering who was going to be possessed right up to the last minute , when one of the dancers , who had looked really mild before , just seemed to change in size .


  13. He 's up to his tricks the minute my back 's turned .


  14. They were extended right up to the very last minute . The secretary had to dash for a plane to China .


  15. Nano-ceramic particles is a new type of nanometer materials , which is the up - to - the - minute field in the development of modern ceramic technology .
